"A light hearted and humorous account of 'ma vie' as a brocanteuse, experiences from my life in France and my love of antiques, all things vintage, period interiors and 'les trucs' (eclectic thingamybobs)"

Thursday, 5 December 2013

An Afternoon Antiquing in Rural France

The Courtyard and Charming Rustic Farmhouse
Things have been a bit uneventful lately so I didn't have to be asked twice when a good friend of mine suggested we go antiquing in a rural antique/interiors shop in a little village not far from us.  

On arriving we were overwhelmed by the vast array of architectural salvage and rustic objects that vied for our attention in the courtyard. But seeing that it was a cold and overcast day and knowing that there was a good chance that some vin chaud and a selection of gateaux were waiting for us we wisely decided to head inside first.
Being rural the owner of the brocante doesn't keep normal opening hours but my friend had cleverly gleaned that this particular day she was holding a special open afternoon to welcome the approaching Christmas holiday season.

Table Set with Seasonal Trucs
Lot of Lovely Shiny Trucs

Inside the charmingly rustic farmhouse an array of candles, baubles and sparkling decorations greeted our eyes.   The stock was a mixture of the antique, vintage and new so there was something for everyone.   The log burner in the old fireplace was throwing out oodles of heat and it wasn't long before we were pulling off hats and coats and milling around with the numerous other customers in the search for seasonal gifts.

Unsurprisingly being something of a purist when it comes to antique shops and brocantes it wasn't long before I was itching to finish my drink and get outside for a good rummage through the proper old stuff in the courtyard and adjoining barn.

Unfortunately my coffers were a little on the low side that day so it was to be a browsing expedition rather than a buying one but I wasn't about to let a small detail like that spoil my enjoyment.   I do love to chiner though, as the French say, and the glass of mulled wine was sorely testing my resolve not to buy.

Inside the Barn
Having had a good look outside we headed into the barn and found ourselves in a veritable Aladdin's cave of trucs.  

I am always on the lookout for ideas and inspiration for the vintage/coffee shop I would someday like to own and this place didn't disappoint.  For as long as I can remember I have yearned for my own shop, a fact that my long suffering Mum would attest to having been subjected to many a tedious hour visiting my makeshift shop under a myriad of different guises!

Some might venture that she must have had the patience of a saint but I say it doesn't do anyone any harm to hone their acting skills once in a while (and who was it that bought me the little cash till that started it all???)

I am happy to report though that I do now at least have an Etsy shop (yes, it's true, I finally did it, ta ta da da... so please take a look!) so for the time being I shall have to be content with just dreaming of my shop in Cognac... picture this... a little old fashioned bell on a spring tinkling when you enter, the smell of freshly ground coffee assaulting your nostrils, 1930s jazz and blues music playing softly in the background and a room filled to bursting with wonderful, eclectic trucs (sorry about that!  I seem to have meandered off into a lovely daydream).

Antique Terracotta Plaques
Anyway, back to our afternoon out! We decided to quickly nip back in to the shop to say goodbye and pay for our purchases...I bought a solitary bauble (so sad!). I must admit to hoping that having been outside for some time the owner might have failed to recognise us from earlier and offer us more complementary mulled wine and cake!

It was then that I noticed, flanking the lovely rustic blue front door, a couple of terracotta plaques that I sold at a brocante fair earlier on in the year.

It seemed a bit funny seeing some trucs that used to belong to me somewhere else but they did look splendid either side of the door so I imagine it wont be long before someone falls for them and snaps them up.

I must confess that I didn't recall the proprietor as the buyer but I see so many people at these fairs it's really hard to remember them all (I am truly rubbish at recalling faces.. and names... unless they happen to be dogs which isn't very helpful in my profession..."Well hello there Snuggles - what can I interest you in today?")

All things considered I can't think of anything better to beat the winter blues than to wrap up warm and go out with a good friend antiquing!

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